Dezeen School Shows: a game created using lidar technology which explores narrat...
Architecture studio BIG has unveiled plans to adapt a decommissioned power plant...
The National Retail Federation called on the Biden administration to use "any an...
JCPenney has brought on board two new executives – one a branding ace and the ot...
the mid-century modern dwelling emblematizes neutra's style with its striking re...
rooydaad architects transforms a dimly lit, disjointed apartment into a semi-tra...
Dezeen Showroom: Japanese ceramics inspire the look of Spanish brand Dune Cerami...
the mid-century modern dwelling emblematizes neutra's style with its striking re...
rooydaad architects transforms a dimly lit, disjointed apartment into a semi-tra...
ICON announces winners of its 'initiative 99' competition to reimagine affordabl...
Imagine walking into a room where walls of books stretch from floor to ceiling, ...
The Eastern Shore of Maryland is not often associated with contemporary architec...
This text is edited from a forthcoming book chapter that considers the culture o...
The Children’s Museum of Manhattan (CMOM) has provided world-class cultural prog...
Architecture studio BIG has unveiled plans to adapt a decommissioned power plant...
The 23-storey Pan Pacific Orchard skyscraper in Singapore by architecture studio...